INFOGRAPHIC: 10 Automotive Social Media Content Ideas Your Dealership Should be Publishing

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The typical business’s social media strategy incorporates both paid and organic posting. With paid advertising, stores can target their content to a highly-specific audience, allowing them to reach the right people with the right message. Organic content, or posts that are published directly to a page without any paid advertising, is much more difficult to perfect.
Many companies and businesses have begun to doubt the importance of organic content. This comes as a result of a few shifts, including the rise of paid advertising, the oversaturation of Facebook feeds with content from brand pages, and updates to algorithms that prioritize posts from friends and family.
Even with all of the paid advertising taking place on social media, there is still value to a company’s maintaining an active business page- because people are interested in it. Shoppers have become accustomed to finding brands on Facebook, and they will assume that they will be able to find a dealership there as well.
Knowing that organic content has limited reach, and is only as powerful as it is engaged with, a dealership must consider what type of automotive social media content it is publishing. Your social media team should take the time to create a content schedule that balances the need to publish posts that encourage engagement with the limited reach of organic content. It should determine what types of high-quality, time-consuming posts it plans to publish, and how it will save time in creating the “filler” content, including promotions, offers, reviews, and more.
With that in mind, here are the top 10 types of organic automotive social media content ideas that should be published on every dealership’s social media page. Your dealership should consider how each of these pieces of automotive social media content affects the mindful shopper, and determine how much time and resources should be invested in their creation accordingly.
10 Automotive Social Media Content Ideas For Your Dealership
1) Reviews:
Reviews are perfect for convincing shoppers that they should feel confident in buying from your dealership. One study found that 50% of car buyers said that reviews were the most important factor in selecting a dealership to visit and buy from.
2) Inventory
Posts featuring your inventory can speak to those shoppers who have already decided to purchase a car. If they see a post of a vehicle that they are considering, they are likely to click through to see more. Once they land on your website, all of your other tools begin working to push them even further down the funnel. As a shopper looks for a new car, they naturally become more interested in the auto industry. They find themselves reading articles about vehicle reviews, features, recalls, and news. When a shopper begins to associate your dealership as a source of industry news, you gain credibility and a level of respect.
3) Automotive Social Media Updates
As a shopper looks for a new car, they naturally become more interested in the auto industry. They find themselves reading articles about vehicle reviews, features, recalls, and news. When a shopper begins to associate your dealership as a source of industry news, you gain credibility and a level of respect.
4) Neighborhood-Specific Content
Most shoppers look for and shop from dealerships in their own neighborhood-it’s rare for someone to travel a great distance to buy a car. You can take advantage of this trend by publishing content and updates about your neighborhood, to establish your store as the local dealership.
5) Dealership News
Another way to make your dealership stand out as approachable and personal is to publish posts about your actual store and employees. By posting updates like awards received, charity events, new employees, and media coverage of your dealership, shoppers gain a better understanding of what you do and what you stand for.
6) Offers
Although you should not post them too often, your page needs to feature offers on vehicles. Shoppers love a good sale, and they love businesses that offer good deals. Posts about offers can even speak to shoppers that are not interested in buying right now, or buying the specific vehicle that you are promoting.
7) OEM Content
Sharing content from your OEM has a few different benefits. First of all, it can save you time in crafting new posts, as they are already prepared for you. Also, the images and videos featured in OEM posts are generally more engaging than those that an average dealership is able to produce.
8) Contests
Running a contest on social media both builds relationships with your current followers, and allows you to reach new audiences. Contests are fun- your shoppers appreciate friendly faces and businesses and will become excited by a giveaway or competition. Social media contests also have the ability to increase your reach exponentially.
9) Automotive Social Media Blog Posts
You already know that maintaining a blog is important for your site’s SEO ranking, but these posts should also be shared on social media. An effective piece of content with a catchy title and engaging image can reach even more social media users.
10) Relationship Builders
People are more likely to buy from businesses that they like and trust. To give your shoppers this sense of comfort, dealerships can share messages and updates that engage with them on a personal level. These might include happy holiday messages, updated store hours, stories about staff members and dealership owners, and more.
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