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How to Keep Your Employees at Your Dealership

  • November 2, 2016
2 min read
How to Keep Your Employees at Your Dealership

Table of Contents

    Mollie Monett

    Mollie Monett

    Table of Contents

      Dealership employee retention has declined over the past few years, according to a recent NADA study. Maybe your own dealership has suffered, maybe your employees are so happy they break into song and dance. Either way, it’s never a bad idea to think of new ways to boost employee morale at your dealership. Here are seven tips to get started:

      1. Play to the strengths of your team. Figure out where each person excels, identify where those strengths align with your dealership’s goals, and then design and assign projects accordingly. You can even have employees mentor colleagues in their areas of expertise. Everyone wins.
      2. Be clear about expectations. First, understand what your expectations are, and then communicate them clearly to your team. Be open to questions and provide assistance and resources to help employees succeed. With clarity and support, they almost certainly will.
      3. Keep everyone on the same page. Make sure everyone knows what each department is doing: their projects, their successes, and their challenges. Keeping the lines of communication open fosters collaboration, support, and success.
      4. Don’t save feedback for the performance review. Give prompt and constructive feedback on a regular basis. Praise performance whenever possible, emphasizing how the employee helped to advance your dealership’s goals. Be specific and clear about areas for improvement. Your team will be able to continually progress with the knowledge that their hard work is appreciated.
      5. Celebrate wins. Exceed your monthly quota? Get more leads into your dealership with great lead nurture? Have a celebratory lunch with your team, or bring a bottle of wine to your weekly meeting, and remember to hand out praise generously. Or just bring chocolate. Everyone likes chocolate.
      6.  Offer perks. Partner with local vendors to provide deals and discounts for your employees. They get business, your staff feels appreciated. Another win-win!
      7.  Give back to your community. Host an event at your dealership, or do a volunteer project together. You’ll build teamwork while making a difference.

      What does your dealership do to keep employees happy? Tweet at us @autoleadstar

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